Discuss the limitations and advantages of two development models you have studied
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 23-05-17 21:17
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- Discuss the Limitations and Advantages of Two Development Models you Have Studied
- Dependency Theory
- Limitations
- exists entirely as a critique of modernisation theory
- offers no solutions to dependency
- just says world and Rostow's model are pretty ****
- just says world and Rostow's model are pretty ****
- it's literally just to spite capitalism and promote communism
- offers no solutions to dependency
- government intervention could effect global markets
- trade barriers could increase cost of living
- spending on industry could be spent on basic needs or infrastructure
- says that core and periphery can't change
- Greece has debt but in core
- China has big economy but in periphery
- exists entirely as a critique of modernisation theory
- Advantages
- richer countries play a role in creating poverty
- 'Development is linked to under-development'
- capitalism not perfect
- recognises importance of historic context
- industry in periphery given subsidies so it can develop!
- if core has all the power, periphery will never develop
- barriers to foreign imports, encouraging citizens to consume nationally produced goods reduces dependency
- government intervention could effect global markets
- recognises independence as a joke
- UN, IMF world bamk exist jsut to control peripery
- richer countries play a role in creating poverty
- Limitations
- Modernisation Theory
- Advantages
- 1950's: first form of development concept
- first time people talked about improving quality of life in LEDCs
- governments have a clear course for development
- good model for guidance!
- idea of 'take-off' suggests rapid development
- not necessarily true? but works for Asian Tiger economies
- economic growth provides jobs and can increase living standards
- eg FDI - multiplier effect
- 1950's: first form of development concept
- Limitations
- ethnocentric - assumes all countries develop like the West
- assumes west has it right
- suggests all countries industrialise at the same rate
- not only one solution but acts like there is
- disregards culture and traditions
- blames culture not colonialism for lack of development
- fails to consider historical context
- whatever happened to the slave trade and exploitation?
- promotes and exists to promote capitalist ideology
- assumes capitalism is perfect
- hard for emerging markets to compete on global market
- industrial revolutions and rapid growth have environmental impacts and cause exploitation
- fails to consider historical context
- whatever happened to the slave trade and exploitation?
- fails to consider historical context
- ethnocentric - assumes all countries develop like the West
- Advantages
- Dependency Theory
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