Discuss the View That Globalisation Has a Destabilising Effect on Local and National Economies
- Created by: not a goth
- Created on: 21-05-17 20:18
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- Discuss the View That Globalisation Has a Destabilising Effect on Local and National Economies
- Local
- Global South
- Positives
- creates jobs locally
- 650,000 employed indirectly by NIke
- often employs local women =increased equality
- majority workers for Nike women under 25
- positive multiplier effect
- Nike provides micro-loans to locals to start small businesses
- upskills workers
- Nike trains 30,000/year in ICT/literacy
- creates jobs locally
- Negatives
- local people out of business - lose income
- eg. food aid, tnc investment
- limits participation (bc top-down)
- local people out of business - lose income
- Positives
- Global North
- Positives
- choice of cheap goods for consumers bc the new international division of labour
- bc of free trade and NIDL
- Technology available (cheaply)
- eg. Apple, mining of materials in DRC
- choice of cheap goods for consumers bc the new international division of labour
- Negatives
- local businesses out-competed = clone cities
- eg. Exeter
- outsourcing = loss of jobs
- eg. coal in Wales and Cornwall- deprived areas bc no jobs
- eg. Dyson
- people have less power in a globalised world: increased inter-dependence
- for products, services etc
- local businesses out-competed = clone cities
- Positives
- Global South
- National
- Global North
- Positives
- increases in skilled work (research and development)
- eg. Met Office, Exeter
- Tax from TNC's cause increases in wealth
- (BUT) Amazon, Google etc do not pay tax
- access to other cultures & homogenisation
- increases in skilled work (research and development)
- Negatives
- TNCs have powerful influence over governments - loss of political sovreignity
- (BUT) Amazon, Google etc do not pay tax
- Technology and increased inter-connection = cyber-crime
- eg. Hacking NHS or bank accounts
- TNCs have powerful influence over governments - loss of political sovreignity
- Positives
- Global South
- Negatives
- Manufacturing increases pollution
- eg. China - can't swim in Han River
- Dependency on TNCs foor technology and aid
- eg. Monsanto, Nike in Vietnam, TRIPS
- global negative status bc poor = no TNC investment
- eg. HIPC
- Manufacturing increases pollution
- Positives
- provides with technology for development
- eg. Mobile phones in Kenya
- increased national income and trade
- eg Taiwan
- National identity created
- eg. Taiwan makes toys
- provides with technology for development
- Negatives
- Global North
- Local
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