Disruptive behaviour:
- Created by: chelsealewis
- Created on: 11-05-16 20:09
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- Disruptive behaviour:
- Types
- Conduct: Distraction, attention seeking, calling out and out of seat behaviour
- Immaturity: takes the form of bullying, verbal and non verbal.
- ADHD: Genetics, faulty gene, high prevalence rates with families. Neurotransmitter: Dopamine
- poor teaching styles
- Kounin: effective classroom mangement- Withiness, Overlap, smoothness and momentum, group altering and stimulating seat work
- Attention seeking
- Genetic:specific gene jang found it to be linked with alcoholism
- Behaviour: when i misbehave i get attention therefore i want attention so must misbehave
- Effects: less attention on other pupils, future placate difficult, places children in danger and excessive demand on teachers.
- Corrective and preventive stragedies
- Preventive: Cotton, commitment,high behavioural expectations,clear rules, A warm climate, a supportive head teacher and delegation of responsibility
- Corrective: Behaviour modification-Opernant conditioning. Define problems, count how often, causes, reinforce,monitor
- Cognitive behavioural modification
- Cognitive modelling, co working, imitation, Sub-vocal with lip movement and then without lips
- Types
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