- Created by: workinghard
- Created on: 28-02-17 15:50
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- Divorce
- Growing secularisation
- Goode
- Marriage becoming less sacred and more personal.
- Church has taken a less rigid view on divorce.
- Marriage becoming less sacred and more personal.
- Gibson
- Its much more practical instead of a spiritual union.
- Less than one third of marriages involve a religious ceremony.
- Goode
- Changing social attitudes
- Beck and Beck Gernstein -Increase divorce rates due to growing individualism
- Giddens - Confluent Love. People are more likely to leave partners if they are unhappy
- Rising divorce rates show people are pursuing individual choice
- Rising expectation of marriage
- Parsons - Divorce rates risen as women have higher expectations of marriage.
- Fletcher - Women want more in a marriage now and if they aren't happy they will leave. The Divorce reform act has made this easier.
- Changes in the Law
- The matrimonial and Family proceedings act - Divorce after 1 year.
- The Divorce Reform act - Made it easier to get a divorce.
- The privatisation of the nuclear family.
- Parsons, Fletcher and Young and Willmott
- Less control from extended kin don't have to please them.
- Growing secularisation
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