Do pressure groups enhance democracy in the UK?
- Created by: evienyln
- Created on: 07-06-22 20:01
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- Do pressure groups enhance democracy? [UK]
- Disperse power
- In an ideal democracy, power lies among "everyone", or practically as many people as possible
- Educate public
- Thanks to groups like Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion we are far more aware of the issues of global warming
- Opportunities to participate
- 1 in 10 UK adults are now involved in an environmental group according to the Guardian
- Voting is only once every 5 years
- Protecting minorities
- Example: Stonewall are an LGBT rights group
- Hold the government to account
- Can be through a court case, e.g. opponents of HS2 took the government to the Supreme Court over their plans
- Marcus Rashford used his influence to put pressure on the government over their free school meal policies
- Disperse power
- NO
- Elitism
- Many argue that although pressure groups have a large membership, they are only ran by a select few who are highly-educated and/or London-based
- Think Tanks tend to be private organisations which work in the 'Westminster bubble'
- Distort information for their benefit
- Example: Brexit Bus claimed £350m would go to the NHS each week...
- Not run democratically
- Leaders aren't usually elected
- Many groups are selective as to who can actually join them: sectional groups such as the CBI only represent business
- Money is essential
- Many lobbying scandals, pressure groups with money tend to buy influence
- Illegal actions
- Example: Occupy Movement - "occupied" London to protest against austerity measures
- Can argue that the methods pressure groups use are not democratic as they do not work within the law
- Elitism
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