- Created by: s013693b
- Created on: 03-05-14 19:56
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- Documents- Handwritting
- Children learn to write by copying
- Adolescence -18 years old a persons writing doesn't change significantly
- Forensically useful
- Adolescence -18 years old a persons writing doesn't change significantly
- Four types of handwritting
- Capitals
- Formation varies
- When communication is important
- Cursive
- Joined up writting
- Normal form of handwritting
- Breaks between some letters and words
- Characteristic to author
- Breaks between some letters and words
- Normal form of handwritting
- Joined up writting
- Signatures
- Not intended to be legiable
- Not like normal handwritting
- Forged
- Rapidly written, inaccurately proportioned
- Disguised
- Slowly written simulations
- Lack of fluency
- Proportions normally alike
- Shaky appearance
- Pressure of pen greater
- Mistakes corrected
- Disguised
- Rapidly written, inaccurately proportioned
- Disconnected
- Capitals
- Variation
- Natural variation
- Simple random variation
- Depends on physical state of autor
- Different writing instument
- Different writing surface
- A person handwriting is never identical on two separate occasions
- A person handwriting is never identical on two separate occasions
- Natural variation
- Less certain than fingerprints and DNA due to natural variation
- Variation
- Natural variation
- Simple random variation
- Depends on physical state of autor
- Different writing instument
- Different writing surface
- Natural variation
- Variation
- Characteristics
- Slopes- Left right- No slope
- Character height
- Pen movement
- Low power maginification
- Analysis
- Imperfections in ball point pens
- Areas of low or zero ink density
- Striations
- Establish direction of pen movement
- Areas of low or zero ink density
- Low power maginification
- Ink denisity
- Analysis
- Children learn to write by copying
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