Drama - Woyzeck
- Created by: aman360
- Created on: 20-03-15 00:10
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- Woyzeck
- Original Performance Conditions
- 3 dimensional furnishings and box sets forced scene changes to take place behind the drop curtain between acts
- Geramn theatre was thriving and prosperous, considered the finest in europe. munich was an arts based city. painters and writes focussed on the horrors of revolution
- German soldiers costume was heavily influenced by French military garb. Elaborate gold trimmed costumes.
- People attending the theatre were used to a more formal style of entertainment, more lighthearted was becoming a growing superpower
- Little technology. Audience of that time were not prepared to be shocked by such a play.
- To cater for the 3D set a revolving stage was put in, in 1896 and was then widely adopted.
- Plot
- Franz Woyzeck, a lowly soldier stationed in a provincial German town, is living with Marie, the mother of his child which is not blessed by the church as it was born out of wedlock.
- Woyzeck earns extra money for his family by performing menial jobs for the Captain and agreeing to take part in medical experiments conducted by the Doctor. At one of these experiments, the Doctor tells Woyzeck that he must eat nothing but peas. It is obvious that Woyzeck's mental health is breaking down and he begins to experience a series of apocalyptic visions.
- Woyzeck disposing of the knife in the pond and most renditions extrapolate this with him drowning while trying to clean himself of the blood after having dumped the knife in deep waters.
- Key Rehersal Techniques
- Blocking
- Setting where eah individual character will be during each scene
- Used to create relationships between characters
- Setting where eah individual character will be during each scene
- Conscience Alley
- two lines character walks through people shout words after ask how they feel
- Creates better understanding of how the character feels during the scene
- two lines character walks through people shout words after ask how they feel
- On/Off text Improv
- improvise scene based on the text or a completely new scene
- Blocking
- Original Performance Conditions
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