Ducks Breakdown of relationships
- Created by: missypowell
- Created on: 11-10-17 21:57
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- The dissatisfaction is discussed. If not resolved, there
is a move to the next stage.
- Dyadic phase
- Ducks breakdown model.
- Helps real releationships solve isssues by increasing communications
- Ducks breakdown model.
- Dyadic phase
- Social phase The breakdown is made public. Negotiation about
children, finances etc., with wider families and friends
becoming involved.
- Social Phase
- Ducks breakdown model.
- Helps real releationships solve isssues by increasing communications
- Ducks breakdown model.
- Social Phase
- Establish post-relationship view of the break-up,
protecting self-esteem
- Grave Dressing phase
- Grave Dressing phase
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