Carol Ann Duffy Context
- Created by: sally_p
- Created on: 03-03-19 19:44
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- Duffy Context
- influenced by Robert Browning + T.S Eliot
- dramatic monologues for previously unheard voices
- born in Glasgow in 1955
- poet laureate in 2009
- went to Roman Catholic primary schools
- 'The Good Teachers'
- 'Prayer'
- influenced by Philip Larkin
- "unlike him I laugh, nay sneer, in the face of death
- 'Mean Time' = published in 1993
- first openly LGBTQ+ poet laureate
- moved to Stafford aged 6
- 'Stafford Afternoons'
- 12 year relationship with Adrian Henri
- met when she was 16 and he was 39
- studied philosophy at Liverpool University
- influenced by William Wordsworth
- modern + accessible language
- began relationship with Jackie Kay in 1995
- influenced by Robert Browning + T.S Eliot
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