Duress and Necessity cases mindmap
- Created by: Saskiablackburn
- Created on: 03-02-22 10:01
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- Duress and Necessity cases
- Graham- case for Duress: case which created the two stage test
- Howe-case for Duress: case which states there is no defense of duress for murder
- Shepherd- case for Duress: states may be available, where not at the outset joining a violent gang.
- Gotts- Case for Duress: states duress is not available for attempted murder.
- Sharp- case for duress,states not available where knowingly joined a violent gang.
- Cole- Case for Duress- States the threat must be directed at the offence committed.
- RE A- Case for Necessity: states recognised there can be a lesser of two evils.
- Martin- Case for Necessity: states is this a case of Duress by circumstances or Necessity?
- Conway- Case for Duress: The defence of Necessity is the defence of duress of circumstances
- Valdermarrama Vega- Case for Duress: Cumulative threats can be taken into account.
- Willer- Case for Duress: states Duress is the only word used
- Dudley and Stephens- Case for Necessity: could not pleas Necessity successfully
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