Dynastic Political Causes of Tudor Rebellions
- Created by: charlottelgill
- Created on: 02-10-18 19:26
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- Dynastic Political Causes of Rebellion
- Edward VI and Mary I
- Edward's 1553 devise excluded Mary from succession in favour of LJG - prompting Northumberland's rebellion
- Wyatt also did not want Mary to marry Phillip of Spain and did not want Elizabeth exc from throne - although rebels never explicitly wanted to otherthrow Mary
- Edward's 1553 devise excluded Mary from succession in favour of LJG - prompting Northumberland's rebellion
- 1487 - Simnel pretends to be Earl of Warwick, prince (one of princes in tower) - his supporters thought they'd gain more if they killed Henry.
- Simnel was politically ambitious and dissastisfied he wasn't given more than his Lieutenant of Ireland & royal counciller position
- 1487 - Simnel pretends to be Earl of Warwick, prince (one of princes in tower) - his supporters thought they'd gain more if they killed Henry.
- Elizabeth I
- Northern Earls rebellion saught 'the preservation of the queen of scots as next heir' as her succession was in doubt given Elizabeth had no children.
- Henry VII
- Only Dynastic cause seen within the Pilgrimage of Grace, after his divorce with Catherine of Aragon.
- Rebels wanted Cath's daughter Mary legitimised and restored to succession line. They also did not want the line of succession moving to Scottish blood, via sister Margaret.
- Only Dynastic cause seen within the Pilgrimage of Grace, after his divorce with Catherine of Aragon.
- Edward VI and Mary I
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