- Created by: Annie
- Created on: 17-04-13 09:52
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- E-Commerce
- Selling your product online.
- Typically through online shopping
- What does a business need to set up a shop online?
- A good quality website
- Easy to navigate
- Clear but distinctive appearance
- It may be worth investing on getting a good website designer
- The ability to maintain the website
- Need to update products, sales, offers etc.
- Information on the products the company has
- Needs to be linked to the wesbite
- Information database
- Product names
- Images of the products
- Number in stock
- Secure Method of Payment
- May be directly through the organisation
- 3rd Party
- E.g. Paypal
- A good quality website
- Customer
- Disadvantages
- May order from a fraud site
- Full price may not be initially obvious with VAT + Delivery
- Can't get a real feel of the product before buying
- E.g. Cant try on clothes to see if they fit before purchase
- Miss out on the social pleasure of shopping
- Concern about security of bank details
- Advanatages
- Can shop 24/7
- Wider choice of products with customer reviews
- Easy to compare prices between shops to get the best deals
- Cost saving if there are no shops. Don't have to pay for their bills.
- Environment advantage - don;t have to travel to the shop
- Disadvantages
- Company
- Disadvantages
- Online shops are more vulnerable to hackers and blackmail
- Harder to form customer relationships
- Costs of delivering, packaging and administration
- Profit margins may be cut due to price comparisons
- Selling 3rd party products may have delays from the stock holder, causing frustration
- Advantages
- Always open for orders worldwide
- No risk of shoplifting - easy to keep an eye on stock
- Low start-up costs
- Fewer staff needed to deal with customer queries
- Can quickly update prices and respond to competition
- Disadvantages
- Selling your product online.