Early Years Care Values
- Created by: georgia
- Created on: 11-05-14 10:07
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- Early Years Care Values
- The welfare of the child is paramount
- Rules
- CRB checks
- Always think of the child's best interest
- Valuing diversity, equal opportunity and anti-discriminatory practics
- Celebrating other festival and holidays such as Divali
- Have the choice of left-handed products
- Disabled access (installation of ramps, disabled toilets)
- Working in partnership with parents, carers and guardians
- Parents' evenings
- Notes in notebooks between parents/carers and teachers
- Reports
- 'Achievement for all' - structured conversation with parents (training staff how to positively engage with parents and get the most out of the conversation)
- Service providers should be reflective practitioners
- Observations
- Training
- Feedback from students
- Feedback from parents
- Feedback from other teachers
- OFSTED reports
- Keeping the child safe and maintaining a healthy environment
- Keeping sharp objects away from children (scissors, knives etc.)
- Locking doors and gates so the children can't run away
- Fire Drills
- Watching the children at all times
- Maintaining Confidentiality
- Lock all filing cabinets
- Have a password lock on computers
- Have private discussions in a room wit the door closed
- Lock office doors that contain confidential items
- Ensuring children are offered a range of experiences that support all aspects of their development
- School trips
- External speakers
- PE
- Cooking classes
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Social
- Working with others
- Police
- Sports staff (external)
- Language teachers
- Sign language
- Headteacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Parents
- The welfare of the child is paramount
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