Earthquake case studies
- Created by: EEC2145
- Created on: 10-06-23 16:19
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- Earthquake case studies
- Haiti, 2010
- Why live there
- Was once a French colony
- Used to make more profit, together with Jamaica than anywhere else on the planet
- Impacts on country
- Estimates of deaths and injuries were unreliable ranging from 46,000 to 300,000
- % below the poverty line dropped from 50 to 80%
- 300,000 houses collapsed because they were built with no foundations on steep slopes
- 30,000 businesses, schools and other employers were wiped out
- Worsens the unemployment figures
- Thousands were seriously wounded reducing their ability to work
- 21/22 government buildings collapsed
- A cholera epidemic broke out
- Small businesses and shops lost their stock
- 1.5 million were displaced and forced to live in camps
- Managing earthquakes
- Mitigating vulnerability
- Prior to the 2010 earthquake there was no monitoring
- After the earthquake, the USGS has helped with awareness and monitoring
- 15 seismic stations are now operating in Haiti
- They are not earthquake resistant
- Not manned 24/7
- Hazard maps have been made
- Was no earthquake resistant buildings, concrete was used as it is best against hurricanes
- Mitigating against loss
- Aid workers were sent in to Haiti
- Haiti received very little amounts of the funding which was supposedly all meant to help Haiti
- Red Cross workers tried to rebuild and repair houses
- Overall
- Haiti cannot successfully manage the effects of earthquakes
- It remains one of the poorest countries in the world 10 years later
- Haiti cannot successfully manage the effects of earthquakes
- Mitigating vulnerability
- 7.0 magnitude
- Why live there
- Japan, Tohoku 2011
- Impacts
- 16,000 fatalities, 6000 injured
- 2/3 of victims were over 60
- Billions of yen were put into the economy
- Children separated from families, 100,000 affected
- 90% deaths due to drowning from then tsunami
- Fukushima nuclear power station decomissioned due to severe damage
- Cooling systems disabled by seawater flooding, meltdown of reactor cores and release of radioactivity
- Surrounding soils contaminated
- Radioactivity seeped into the Pacific Ocean affecting fishing industry
- Cost to rebuild nearly £181 billion
- Mass graves to reduce spread of diseases
- Stock market fell
- 4.4 million households lost power
- Transport hit badly, 23 train stations swept away
- Farmland flooded and uncultivable
- Some reconstruction took over 5 years
- 16,000 fatalities, 6000 injured
- Mitigation
- Original 12m tsunami barriers replaced by 18m ones
- 1st September has earthquake and tsunami drill
- Buildings with aseismic designs
- Steel frames and braces
- Shock absorbers
- Soft storey
- Fire proofing
- An evacuation zone set up around the Fukoshima nuclear plant
- Large numbers of rescue workers and 100,000 of the self-defence force were mobilised
- Government set up a reconstruction design council who have a budget of over 23 trillion yen to rebuild houses
- Well-rehearsed recovery and reconstruction plans
- Research and monitoring
- Land use zoning (space to assemble)
- 9.0 magnitude
- Over 5000 aftershocks
- Impacts
- Haiti, 2010
- Political
- Social
- Economic
- Environmental
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