Easter 1916
Quick revision notes
- Created by: twassell
- Created on: 24-03-14 17:52
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- Easter 1916
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- Palmade to September 1913 - 'I was wrong' tone
- Leda and the Swan - 'a terrible beauty is born' AKA Helen of Troy
- The Fisherman - mocks the common man for not respecting the true beauty of nature and Ireland
- Quotes
- 'A terrible beauty is born'
- Fighting for independence is beautiful but the blood shed will be terrible - Oxymoron
- Repetition acts as a reminder for people to remember both sides of a revolution
- 'Her nights in argument until her voice grew shrill'
- Reference to Constance Markievicz - good friend of Yeats, showed true passion for the revolution, showed a scary side
- 'From counter or desk'
- Yeats is talking about the same people as September 1913 - shows how people change in revolution
- 'A terrible beauty is born'
- Form
- Rhyme scheme = ABAB - powerful but never facile
- troubled balance between off-rhymes and true rhymes
- 24/4/16 lines - mirrors the date of the revolution
- Elegy written for the dead / anthem for Ireland
- Uses Iambic tetrameter and trimeter - conveys insignificance of conformity and change within Irland
- Rhyme scheme = ABAB - powerful but never facile
- Context
- Uses art to represent the lead revolutionists - one being Maud's husband (John Macbride)
- Maud wrote a furious letter to Yeats saying she hated the poeme as it called Macbridge out on all his faults
- Uses art to represent the lead revolutionists - one being Maud's husband (John Macbride)
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