Eastern European Development
- Created by: Laylalink27
- Created on: 15-05-17 23:45
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- Eastern European Development
- Leader
- Worldwide context
- Yugoslavia
- Worldwide context
- Leader
- 1945: elections: Tito wins for communists
- 1948: Expelled from Cominform because he wanted wider relations: funds from IMF and economic relations with West, trade freely, communes established, industry owned by working class councils
- Origins
- Development of Cold War
- 1955: Khrushchev visits to make friends
- 1956: Cominform abandoned so hope for strengthened relations
- 1958: USSR postpones credit and stops wheat export because Yugoslavia "trojan horse"
- 1956: Cominform abandoned so hope for strengthened relations
- 1955: Khrushchev visits to make friends
- Czechoslovakia: 1920-1945 is a protectorate
- Wartime context
- 1920: new state, multinational state, Trianon created under treaty of St Germain
- 1935: Benes is leader and appeals to Stalin for help
- 1939: Hitler invades
- 1935: Benes is leader and appeals to Stalin for help
- 1920: new state, multinational state, Trianon created under treaty of St Germain
- Wartime context
- 1945: German protectorate
- Hungary
- Ideology in cold war context
- 1946: Free elections result in communists dominating cabinet
- 1949: 1/4 million communist party members expelled
- 1946-53: Rakosi is leader-Stalinist
- 1955: Rakosi replaced by Gero
- 1956: Hungarian uprising contradicts secret speech and peaceful coexistence. Suez canal crisis, Nagy replaced by Kadar
- 1955: Rakosi replaced by Gero
- 1946-53: Rakosi is leader-Stalinist
- 1949: 1/4 million communist party members expelled
- 1946: Free elections result in communists dominating cabinet
- Ideology in cold war context
- Hungary
- 1948: new elections planned
- May 1948: elections rigged by SU e.g. candidates and policies
- West respond with Brussels Pact (diplomatic defence) and NATO
- May 1948: elections rigged by SU e.g. candidates and policies
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