Ecologism: Sub-traditions
- Created by: Tori
- Created on: 11-05-13 16:00
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- Ecologism sub-traditions
- Right-wing Ecologism
- During the Nazi period, a form of facist ecologism emerged
- Walter Darre
- Worked for Hitler as minister of agriculture; 'peasant leader' role.
- Introduced hereditary farm law which gave small/medium farm owners security in their holdings
- Convinced life on land was the only truly fulfilling life and supported use of organic farming, with natural fertilisers such as manure
- created chain of animal - soil - food - humans; sentiment matfched Steiner's (same chain)
- however, limit is that militaristic nature of Nazis = incompatible with ecologism
- 'back to land' movement
- reacted against previous industrialisation in Germany
- German Youth Movement -- 'back to land' ecologism was appealing to young and students
- took to forests and mountains and escaped urban life NB: anarchism
- Walter Darre
- the 'soft' right
- Ecoconservatism
- a Romantic and nostalgic attachment to a rural way of life which has been threatened by industrialisation
- Wants to move BACK to pre-industrial rural society
- realistic terms: support for conservation and protection of woodlands, historic buildings etc, Preserving Tradition
- 'Green Capitalism' incorporates market based attitude and capitalism to environment
- congestion charge, offset carbon footprint
- Kyoto Protocol
- Can apply on individual or company level
- Companies now have profit-motive to be 'green', for consumers look for 'green credentials' in products/service
- Ecoconservatism
- During the Nazi period, a form of facist ecologism emerged
- Eco-socialism
- Popular in Germany with German Greens whose leaders were former members of left-wing political groups
- Marxist socialism reject capitalism so share ecologist views that root of the problem is the industrial, profit-making capitalist society
- Bahro links this to environmental crisis, linking industrial output to environmental damage
- Human labour and natural world both exploited for profit making. Possibly requires a social revolution to overcome
- CAPITALISM is environment's enemy
- If wealth is owned then will be used to benefit everything and balance out
- DICHOTOMY loyal to red or green?
- Red first = unite to overthrow capitalism then splinter into separate green parties
- Bahro places green first - ecological crisis must take precedence over class conflict
- Deep ecologists reject the anthropocentricsocialist interpretations
- Have been instances when socialism in action has harmed the environment i.e. Russia with Chernobyl nuclear disaster
- Eco-Anarchism
- Bookchin: 'social ecology' - ecological balance within society based on mutual respect for diversity = stability (state control does not maintain stability)
- Kropotkin also anarcho-communist: ideals RE abolition of centralised state control blends well with localised, commune-like aims of ecologists
- Suspicion towards authority, believing it corrupts; ecologists thinks it gives humans too much superiority
- decentralised society means live close to nature, becoming self-sufficient in small community, developing an understanding of organic relationships and ecology
- Bookchin: 'a more intelligent and more loving use of the environment'
- Green Movement and Anarchism share methods: DIRECT ACTION and decentralisation
- Greenpeace
- TENSIONS: many within green movement see govt as vital to achieve aims (currently anyway)
- collective action can only be organised effectively via govt
- weakening govt may also lead to greater free-market approach, whereby capitalist forces would be unrestrained: so damaging the environment more
- Eco-Feminism
- Human Nature is androgynous (sexless) so gender roles don't actually exist - have been reconstructed by patriarchy
- Patriarchy has unbalanced and distorted the instincts of men, separating from private world of home-making
- Led to men thinking of themselves of 'masters' of both women and nature, wanting to control and destroy both
- Links to socialist ecologism, where re-balance is required (balancing sexes rather than class)
- Mary Daly: 'Gyn/Ecoology' 1979
- women need to liberate themselves by aligning with 'female nature'
- association between feminine qualities and 'Mother nature' - Earth is female/a Goddess. Also 'natural' childbearing and childrearing, or menstrual cycle
- Traditional roles thus include cooperation, nurturing, reciprocity and softness: blend with ecologism
- by embracing this feminine understanding of nature, the patriarchy can be overthrown and the natural world will be rebalanced and benefit from the new relationship
- association between feminine qualities and 'Mother nature' - Earth is female/a Goddess. Also 'natural' childbearing and childrearing, or menstrual cycle
- women need to liberate themselves by aligning with 'female nature'
- the destruction of the world and gender inequality: 'cultured men' rule over 'natural women' and subdue them
- TENSIONS: some ecofeminists believe in essentialism: are fundamental differences b/t men and women that are incorrectable
- Human Nature is androgynous (sexless) so gender roles don't actually exist - have been reconstructed by patriarchy
- NB: Ecologists reject term 'ideology' as too anthropocentric
- Right-wing Ecologism
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