Diamond Question
- Created by: studywrighter87
- Created on: 06-05-19 16:17
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- Ecology and Western Domination
- Section One- Neo-Europes, temperate zones and sea ports
- Historiography
- Diamond states ecological factors as the ultimate factors to social and economic development. Accidents of geography and biogeography (1997)
- Merret 2003- Geography is the ultimate reason why some regions developed faster and more fully than others
- Geographically restricted land empires (Beinart 2007) - Oceans into highways (Crosby 1986)
- Diamond states ecological factors as the ultimate factors to social and economic development. Accidents of geography and biogeography (1997)
- East West climate made domination easier- geographical preconditions for colonisation and thus economic domination
- Historiography
- Section Two- domesticatable species- zoonotic diseases and access to agriculture- impact held
- Historiography
- Plants and domesticated animals facilitated the process of colonisation (Beinart 2007)
- New diseases major component of ecological imperialism (Beinart 2007)
- Resulted paradoxically from the difference in useful livestock (Diamond 1997)
- Diamond states the trajectory of human progress to be dependent of domestication (1997)
- New diseases major component of ecological imperialism (Beinart 2007)
- Plants and domesticated animals facilitated the process of colonisation (Beinart 2007)
- Historiography
- Section Three-Columbian Exchange- Economic/Trade benefit
- Historiography
- The introduction of calorific crops facilitated agricultural developments that allowed for sustained population growth in the Old World (Jordan 2016)
- Plant transfers lay at the heart of imperialism and the Atlantic slave trade (Beinart 2007)
- Led to population explosion in the Old World (Crosby 1986)
- Plant transfers lay at the heart of imperialism and the Atlantic slave trade (Beinart 2007)
- New World crops could grow on the soil that Old World crops could not- increased food surplus and agricultural yield (Crosby 2003)
- The introduction of calorific crops facilitated agricultural developments that allowed for sustained population growth in the Old World (Jordan 2016)
- Historiography
- Section Four- Impact of factors- industrialising
- Historiography
- Beinart 2007- population increase results in a intensification of production and trade
- Potato= 12% population increase- 47% of post adoption increase in urbanisation resultant of the potato (Nunn 2010)
- Production of crops led to large inflows of profit to Europe that fuelled the IR and rise of Europe (Nunn 2010)
- Other societies had begun industrialisation but had been held back by ecological factors (Crosby 1986)
- Diamond states that Eurasia's economic strength was dependent on food production
- Historiography
- Section One- Neo-Europes, temperate zones and sea ports
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