Economic Change 1855-1964
- Created by: 15mkooner
- Created on: 10-04-22 15:19
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- Economic Change 1855-1964
- Reasons for Economic Change
- 1) All leaders were keen to accelerate industrialisation to create a wealthier Russian Empire - emphasis on heavy industry (coal, iron, steel...)
- 2) Main motive for industrialising = 'to catch up with the West' e.g: Britain, France, Germany
- 3) Russian leaders thought an industrial revolution as the most obvious way to maintain Russia's military status at a time when global power struggles were becoming more prevalent.
- Extent of Economic Change
- 1909-13 - Industrial output = 7% per year - Matched the performance of other nations - but NOT Russia's main competitors.
- E.G: by 1913, Russian coal production = 10% of that of Britain's.
- Under Stalin - average annual rate of GNP = 5-6% - a substantial increase compared to the Tsars.
- BUT, this was achieved at a human cost - 3.4 million were forced to work in the appalling conditions of labour camps.
- Russian leaders placed importance on Agriculture as it served industry. E.g: Industrial workers could not make their own food and relied on peasants' produce.
- 1909-13 - Industrial output = 7% per year - Matched the performance of other nations - but NOT Russia's main competitors.
- Tsars
- Industry
- Reutern Reforms (1862-78) encouraged foreign investment and foreign technical expertise.
- Railway construction - Trans-Siberian line
- Medele'ev Tarrif (1891) - raised government revenues.
- Witte Reforms(1893-1903) e.g: the 'Great Spurt'
- Agriculture
- The Emancipation of the Serfs (1861)
- The Peasant Land Bank (1883)
- The Stolypin Reforms (1906-11); 'wager on the strong'; land reforms
- The emergence of the Kulaks and commercial farming
- Industry
- Communists
- Agriculture
- Collectivisation and dekulakisation (1929 onwards), Kolkozy, Sovkhozy, motor-tractor stations
- MTS responsible for loaning tractors to peasants, distributing seed, collecting grain, deciding what farmers should keep for their own consumption.
- VLS (1954 onwards) - by 1964 165 million acres of land had been given over to the production of wheat.
- Collectivisation and dekulakisation (1929 onwards), Kolkozy, Sovkhozy, motor-tractor stations
- Industry
- State Capitalism - centralised economic control through the SEC - December 1917
- War communism; nationalisation; grain requisitioning; partial militarisation of labour
- The NEP - Denationalisation of small scale enterprise and a return to private ownership
- However, this went against many in the party's ideology.
- Centralised planning - 7 5YPs and Khrushchev's aim of economic autarky
- Agriculture
- Reasons for Economic Change
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