Education - Agent of Socialization
- Created by: zoolouise
- Created on: 01-03-16 12:02
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- Education - Agent of socialisation
- Formal curriculum
- This includes subjects which are taught in school, and the contents of the lesson.
- e,g Maths, English, Science.
- Formal curriculum is written down and you notice that it exists.
- Information (hidden) Curriculum
- These are messages that are passed on unintention-ally, teaching a child what is right and wrong.
- Norms, values, mores and rules of our culture.
- It isn't written down and we don't notice that it even occurs.
- Formal social control
- Schools control the pupils through written rules.
- Breaking the rules will result in punishment, such as detention.
- Informal social control
- Behavior is controlled informally, by teachers and peers.
- This can be shown by disappointment, pleasure and even facial expressions.
- e.g your friends frown upon you when you do something they dislike.
- Formal curriculum
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