Education and Ethnicity
- Created by: HBN_18
- Created on: 06-03-18 22:08
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- Education and Ethnicity
- Social Class
- 'Culture of resisting
- Racism of teachers and pupils
- Lack of cultural capital
- Family Life
- Low teacher expectations
- Deprived social conditions
- Ethnocentric school system clashes
- Language differences
- Negative self-image and poor motivation
- Racism of teachers and pupils
- Facts
- Highest achieving minority
- Chinese and Indian Asian pupils
- Lowest achieving minority
- Black Caribbean, Pakistani, Bangladeshi
- Highest achieving minority
- External Factors
- Social Class and material factors
- Minority ethnic groups are twice as likely to live in poverty
- Poor-quality housing less space to study
- Poorer diet more time of school
- Lack of money material deprivation
- Poorer diet more time of school
- Poor-quality housing less space to study
- Minority ethnic groups are twice as likely to live in poverty
- Racism
- Low self-esteem among young people
- Poor motivation and bad behaviour
- Low self-esteem among young people
- Social Class and material factors
- Internal Factors
- Language Differences
- Difficulties with schoolwork
- Teachers mistake language difficulties for lack of ability
- Difficulties with schoolwork
- Racism among pupils
- Abuse, name-calling, bullying and harrassment
- Teacher Expectation
- Teachers may hold negative stereotypes of minority ethnic group
- groups become ignored, less effort put in
- Lower teacher expectations, poorer motivation and affected by self-fulfilling prophecy
- groups become ignored, less effort put in
- Teachers may hold negative stereotypes of minority ethnic group
- Educational Triage
- Regarded as low-achievers and put into low streams and sets
- Anti-school subcultures
- A way of gaining peer-group status denied to them by the school
- Ethnocentrism
- When the dominant class culture devalues others
- E.g not catering to minority-group diets
- When the dominant class culture devalues others
- Language Differences
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