A level sociology - Summary of theorists - Education unit
- Created by: chelsea todd
- Created on: 30-05-18 18:28
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- Education Unit - Record of theorists-
- Role and function of education system
- Marxist
- Marx
- Althusser (1992)
- Bowels and Gintis (1976)
- Willis (1977)
- Bourdieu (1977)
- Gramsci
- Illich
- Functionalist
- Durkheim (1893)
- Parsons (1961)
- Davis and Moore (1967)
- Feminst
- Sharpe (1991; 94)
- Francis (2000)
- Browne + Ross (1991)
- Skelton (2002)
- Post-modernist
- Usher (1997)
- Thompson (1997)
- Interpetivism
- Rosenthal & Jacobson (1968)
- Sewell (1998)
- Marxist
- Gender and education
- Girls Achievement
- Internal factors
- Teacher attention
- Swann + Graddel (1993)
- Francis (2000a)
- Equal opportunity policies
- G.I.S.T
- Positive role models
- Selection and league tables
- Teacher attention
- External factors
- Rise of feminism
- Changes in family since 1970s
- Changes in social attitudes and perceptions
- Sue Sharpe (1994)
- Changes in law
- Internal factors
- Boys Achivement
- External factors
- Decline in manufacturing
- Mitsos and Browne (1998)
- Change in role of family
- Poor male literacy
- Decline in manufacturing
- internal factors
- Teacher attention
- Francis (2001)
- Feminisation of Ed.
- Forde. et. al (2006)
- Sewell (2006)
- Lack of male role models
- Dept. for ed. (16% of primary school teachers are male
- Labelling
- Horns and Halo
- Laddish subcultures
- Epstein (1998)
- Fransis (2001)
- Teacher attention
- External factors
- Subject choice
- External factors
- Gender socialisation
- Oakley (1981)
- Elwood (1998)
- Gendered career opportunities
- Gender socialisation
- Internal factors
- Peer pressure
- Paetcher (1998)
- Dewar (1990)
- Gendered ID and image
- Kelly (1979)
- Colley (1998)
- Peer pressure
- External factors
- Gender ID
- Verbal abuse
- Dewar (1990)
- Paetanter (1999)
- Male peer group
- Epstein (1998): Mac an Ghail (1994) : Willis (1977)
- Teachers and discipline
- Mac An Ghail (1994)
- Askew and Ross (1988)
- Double standards
- Applying one moral standard to one group and another standard to the other
- Lees (1993)
- Male gaze
- Mac an Ghail (1994)
- Hidden curriculum
- Deem (1980)
- Lobban (1976)
- Spender (1988)
- Verbal abuse
- Girls Achievement
- Education and class
- External factors
- Material deprivation
- Fernstien (2003)
- Douglas (1964)
- Smith and Noble (1995)
- Cultural deprivation
- Sugarman (1970)
- Douglas (1964 ; 70)
- Archer , Hollingsworth, Mendick (2010)
- Cultural capital
- Boudieu (1977)
- Language deprivation
- Basil Bernstein (1972)
- Material deprivation
- Internal factors
- Labelling + S.F.P
- Becker (1963)
- Horns and Halo
- Role of teachers
- Colin Lacey (1970)
- The curriculum
- John White (2005)
- Ed. triage and the A-C economy
- Gilbourn + Youdell (2000)
- Banding, setting, streaming
- Ball (1981)
- Ball (1981)
- Keddie (197_)
- Labelling + S.F.P
- External factors
- Education and Ethnicity
- External factors
- Material deprivation
- Modood (2004)
- Language deprivation
- Beieitier and Englemann (1966)
- Geay, McNally, Telhaj (2012)
- Family structure
- Maynihan (1965) ; Murray (1984)
- Sewell (2010)
- Scruton (1986)
- Driver and Ballard (1981)
- Lupton (2004)
- Pryce (1979)
- Hall (1992)
- Cultural deprivation
- Archer + Fransis (2007)
- Basit (2013)
- Attitudes and values
- Arnot (2004)
- Racism [wider society]
- Material deprivation
- Internal factors
- Institutional racism
- Mac an Ghail (1988)
- Discrimination is built into the way schools operate
- Ethnocentric curriculum
- Troyana and Williams (1986)
- Cecile Wright (1992)
- A curriculum that favours British knowledge and values over alternative cultures
- Marketisation and selection
- David Ghilbourn (1997)
- Labelling and S.F.P
- Gilborn + Youdell (2000)
- Fuller (1984)
- Labelling and Anti-school subculture
- Sewell (1998)
- Institutional racism
- External factors
- Social policy and reform
- 1944 Tripartitie
- 1965-comprehensive
- 1988 - Education act
- 1997 - New Labour
- 2010 - Coalition government
- Role and function of education system
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