Topics in Education
- Created by: jennymayg13
- Created on: 14-05-14 09:49
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- Education
- Teaching and learning
- Personal approaches to learning
- Variations on learning strategies
- Differences in cognitive styles
- Theory of Multiple Intelligence
- Personal approaches to teaching
- Behaviourist objectives & monitoring
- Cognitive approaches to discovery learning
- Social constructionist co-operative
- Theories of knowledge acquisition
- Stage theory
- Social construction theory
- Behaviourist models
- Personal approaches to learning
- Student participation
- Theories of motivation
- Intrinsic / extrinsic
- Humanist theory
- Cognitive (attribution) theory
- Encouraging educational engagement
- Play & academic success
- Emotional Intelligence
- Implications of ability grouping
- Student beliefs and expectations
- Social roles & academic success
- Learned helplessness
- Positive self-esteem
- Theories of motivation
- Enabling learning
- Dealing with additional needs
- Individual support
- Ability grouping (G&T)
- Remedial support & differentiation
- Enabling minority ethnic groups
- Ethnic differences & strategies to overcome effects of language & prejudice
- Inter-group tasks
- Role models
- Positive support
- Enabling genders
- Differences in educational achievement
- Biological differences
- Strategies for enabling learning of boys & girls
- Dealing with additional needs
- Teaching and learning
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