Education Theorists
- Created by: Jacob Keyte
- Created on: 18-05-15 09:58
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- Education Theorists
- Durkheim --Education and society - Functionalist
- Creating social solidarity
- Education as the transmission of society's norms and values
- considered necessary in order to produce SOCIAL SOLIDARITY
- So people can have a sense of belonging to a bigger organisation
- School is a society in miniature and learning how to act around people and follow a fixed set of rules
- Preparing a young adult about social norms
- Teaching specialist Skills
- Argues that individual must be taught specialist skills so that they can take thier place within a higher complex divisson of labour
- Marists agrue that education institutional institutions tend to transsmit a dominant culture which serves the intrest of the ruling class
- Creating social solidarity
- Bowles and Gints schooling in Capitalist America MARXIST
- They argue that there is a close relationship between social relationships in the workplace and in education
- Operates through the HIDDEN CURRICULUM
- Helps produce a subservient workforce
- Encourages an acceptance of hierarchy
- Makes pupils motivated by external Rewards rather then education itself
- Subjects are fragmented in the same way that routine work is
- Some may disagree because of the many trade unions industrial action in the UK doesn't support worker conformty idea
- Gibbon and Youdell --(Marxists?) Found that teachers are more likely to put middle class students into higher papers
- Schools are more likely to help GCSE border rates
- Bourdieu --Says Cultural Capital ca be translated into wealth and power
- Smith and Noble --Points out the Material needs in education in influencing class
- Durkheim --Education and society - Functionalist
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