sociology recap of educational policies
- Created by: chlowills
- Created on: 08-02-18 14:02
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- educational policies: reducing inequality
- coalition government free school meals: working class and middle class pupils got free school meals
- prevents bullying to reduce class inequality
- pupil premium: schools receive money for individual pupils for those who are from a low-income background
- gives those who suffer from material deprivation chance to succeed.
- comprehensive schools: 1965 introduced a school for all social classes
- a chance to start education equally; however widened inequality due to labelling and streaming
- education action zone: gave schools additional resources to those who couldn't afford them
- gave them all an equal chance of doing well if they had the same resources
- education maintenance allowances: gave money to those who suffered from material deprivation
- to encourage them to stay on in education over the age of 16 if they want to and know they can't afford it
- coalition government free school meals: working class and middle class pupils got free school meals
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