EDUQAS on the whole of tectonics
- Created by: Isobel.R.Regan
- Created on: 25-06-19 22:20
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- Tectonics
- plate boundaries and movement
- mechanisms
- converging/ destructive
- diverging/ contrasting
- conservative
- ridge push
- slab pull
- diverging plate margins
- converging plate margins
- conservative plate margins
- hot spots
- mechanisms
- characteristics of physical hazards
- magnitude
- predictability
- frequency
- duration
- speed of onset
- areal extent
- earthquakes
- processess
- ground shaking
- liquefecation
- landslides
- tsunamis
- primary impacts
- secondary impacts
- contrasting cases
- Bam, Iran
- Christchurch, New Zealand
- CHARACTERSISTICS body waves - P WAVES(primary) + S waves(secondary). SURFACE WAVES
- processess
- human factors affecting risk and vulnerability
- economic
- social
- political
- geographical
- responses
- monitoring, prediction and warning
- earthquakes
- volcanoes
- tsunamis
- mitigating hazards
- short term responses
- long term responses
- volcanoes
- contrasting eruptions - Eyjafjallajökull (iceland) + Nevadodel Ruiz, Colombia
- eruptive +effucive
- types
- shield
- composite
- cinder (ash)
- processes and production
- pyroclastic flow
- lava flows
- ash falls
- lahars
- jökulhaups
- volcanic landslides
- toxic gases
- primary impacts
- secondary impacts
- plate boundaries and movement
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