- Created by: mskilton04
- Created on: 24-01-20 23:02
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- The Manhunt
- Context
- Poem was featured in a documentary called 'The Not Dead'
- Written about PTSD
- About a Peacekeeper called Eddie Beddoes
- Also called Laura's Poem
- Key Messages/ Themes
- War
- Pain and Suffering
- Relationships
- War changes people physically and mentally
- Written/Poet
- Simon Armitage
- Written 2008
- Quotes
- "only then"
- "after passionate nights and intimate days"
- "frozen river"
- "blown hinge of his lower-jaw"
- "damages porcelain collar-bone"
- "parachute silk of his punctured lung"
- "unexploded mine buried deep in his mind"
- "fractured rudder of his shoulder-blade"
- Links
- Mametz Wood
- The Soldier
- Dulce et Decorum est
- The Soldier
- Context
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