Edward VI's second reign

  • Created by: maisieclr
  • Created on: 09-06-22 19:16
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  • Edward IV's second reign
    • Edward IV's re-establishment as King
      • Edward regained the throne after two victories at the Battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury
      • he chosen not to take revenge on those who hd supported the Lancastrians and fought against him
      • those who  were loyal to Edward were rewarded. Hastings was made captain of Calais and Warwick's estates (died in battle) were shared between Gloucester and Clarence
    • Edward and Wales
      • historically difficult to control. Margaret of Anjou fled to Wales after the Battle of Northampton, castle continued to be Lancastrian until 1468
        • Edward needed to exert his power. he set up the council of Wales which dealt with lawlessness and extended legal powers
          • princes of Wales household is run by Earl Rivers. Buckingham saw this as Edward favouring the Woodvilles
    • Edward and The North
      • problematic for Edward in his first reign. fought of his attempts of extending power and supported Lancastrian risings. he needed to bring it under control as they were vital to him loosing the throne after his first reign
        • Edward chose two trusted noble men to control the north- the Duke of Gloucester and Earl of Northumberland
        • local men enforced the law as they were more likely to be obeyed than instructions from 200 miles away
          • Gloucester used the power he gained in the North to gain the throne in 1485
    • Edward and Ireland
      • during Henry VI's reign the Anglo-Irish nobility had not been inclined to support the Lancastrians with the Earl of Kildare making his support for the Yorkists clear.
      • as long as Edward was prepared to leave control of Ireland in the hands of Kildare, Ireland was not going to pose a threat but there is a debate over whether this was successful or just passive
        • Irish posed a limited threat to Edward IV, largely due to their support for his father (Richard, Duke of York) and the fact that Edward left them alone
          • Edward attempted to gain a deputy of his own in 1478 but this failed after a year.
    • Law and Order
      • he relied heavily on the nobility to fulfil their traditional role and keep peace in their lands. if they failed they were replaced.
        • Lancastrian attack 1473, help from Louis Xi but submitted same year
      • he faced a rebellion in Kent (1471) from Warwick's cousin but there were no major riots or rebellions after 1471. law and order was restored
        • he tackled piracy as it impacted his foreign policy
          • he turned a blind eye to some corruption in the justice system and was guilty of wrong doing himself, especially in his dealings with inheritance. he ignored heirs to improve his family's standings
            • relations with the nobility
              • by giving the nobles large authority he was seen as generous but also weak.
              • he gave out pardons, patronage, ignored retaining buy was still stern if crossed
              • Edward ignored the issue with retaining as in times with a strong King, nobles should need to take to the battlefield as ether is stability and peace
      • Edward wouldn't ignore treason or rebellions. his brother, Clarence was troublesome until his execution in 1478. he would only tolerate crime that did not interfere in his goals
    • Finance
      • he inherited a  debt of £350,000 from Henry VI
        • he continued his chamber system administration of finance to make the most of crown lands. the extra lands from Clarence's execution also increased funds
          • customs duties- improvement in trade in northern Europe after Henry VI's slump. commercial treaties with France, Burgundy and Hanseatic League. aided by lack of war and end of piracy
            • The Treaty of Picquigny (1475) gained annual French pension of 50,000 gold crowns. this greaty benefitted Edward's finances and allowed him to 'live off his own;' treaty also removed restrictions on trade
    • Foreign Policy
      • allied with Brittany and burgundy. common threat of French invasion.
      • raised £150,000 to go to Calais but Burgundy let him down.
        • attack on France- Treaty of Picquigny signed
          • terms: 10 year truce, support against rebels, pension, marriage
            • resentment at home as tax raised but never fought
            • Treaty with Burgundy. Edward would protect Burgundy in return for 50,000 crowns
              • Edward manoeuvred out by Treaty of Arras (1482) as no longer Anglo- Burgundian alliance. Foreign policy regarding Burgundy and France large failure.
                • marriage alliance created good terms between England and Scotland but cross boarder raiding in 1480. 1482 Gloucester invasion on Scotland and planned to put Albany on throne.
                  • Gloucester withdrew from Edinburgh and captured Berrick-upon-Tweed. Edward's involvement in two campaigns occupied him and allowed Louis XI's manoeuvre


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