Chapter 19: Effective Employer/Employee Relations
Part 1 of Chapter 19
- Created by: humbuggirl
- Created on: 28-01-15 21:08
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- Effective Employer / Employee Relations
- Importance of Communication
- allows for better implementation of change
- motivates the workforce
- helps to achieve objectives
- helps to improve competititveness
- Barriers to effective Communication
- attitudes of employees and employers
- many layers of hierarchy
- intermediaries
- lack of common language or sense of purpose
- communication and large organisation
- communication overload
- Types of employee representation
- Works Councils
- does not include wages, terms of employment, productivity levels
- roles essentially is to look ahead at company's plans and to consult, gain ideas or improvements from employees
- committee of management and workforce representations that meet to discuss company-wide issues
- Trade Unions
- pressure group that represents interests of people at work
- Works Councils
- Benefits of being in a trade union
- Employees
- provide information, advice, member services
- can enable collective bargaining
- allow for negotiations and representation on behalf of employees
- Employers
- provide valuable communication links
- can help to avoid time- consuming bargaining or negotiations with individual employees
- can ease difficult situations
- may encourage management to take seriously worker's needs
- Employees
- Reasons for the fall in union membership
- dramatic fall in number of jobs in manufacturing industries
- improved employment rights for individuals
- legislation makes it difficult for unions to operate
- fall in traditional, permanent, full time employment
- privatisation of major utilities, reducing empoyees in the public sector
- Importance of Communication
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