effects of soil erosion
- Created by: hannah kingham
- Created on: 15-04-16 11:22
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- effects of soil erosion
- reduced agricultural productivity
- lower soil ferility
- Leds to lower crop productivity
- reduced crop productivity could led to food shortages and famine
- especially for poorer countries that are reliant on good harvests
- reduced crop productivity could led to food shortages and famine
- Leds to lower crop productivity
- reduced ability of the soil to store water and nutrient
- High rates of runoff
- lower soil ferility
- landslides
- turbid runoff in rivers
- causes sedimentation
- especially in reserviors, which is problematic
- can reduce storage capacity
- create infrastructural difficulties e.g. blocking outlet valves
- especially in reserviors, which is problematic
- causes sedimentation
- reduced flow capacity in rivers
- flooding downstream with rivers
- coastal sedimentation
- Leds to damage to coral reefs
- big problem in the carribean
- Leds to damage to coral reefs
- Soil erosion also leads to desertification. Desertification refers to increase of desert areas.
- Sahel
- damage to roads and footpaths
- footpaths etc can become blocked with excessive soil erosion
- Negative impact to motorists
- footpaths etc can become blocked with excessive soil erosion
- reduced agricultural productivity
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