Electron Structue
- Created by: Kb_1504
- Created on: 15-11-15 09:39
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- Electron Structures
- Main energy levels are sub-divided into sub-shells and these consist of orbitals called s, p and d-orbitals
- Electrons occupy energy levels around the nucleus of the atom, where each shell has a principal quantum number.
- Main energy levels are sub-divided into sub-shells and these consist of orbitals called s, p and d-orbitals
- For principal quantum number, n = 1, the number of electrons is 2; for n = 2, the number is 8; then 18; then 32 electrons for n = 4.
- Electrons occupy energy levels around the nucleus of the atom, where each shell has a principal quantum number.
- Electrons occupy energy levels around the nucleus of the atom, where each shell has a principal quantum number.
- Electrons
- Have a charge of -1 and a mass of 1/2000
- Key Definitions
- Atom Orbitials
- A region in within an atom that can hold up to two electrons with opposite spins
- Atomic Number
- The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
- Electron Configuration
- The arrangement of the electrons in an atom.
- Atom Orbitials
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