Elizabeth I mindmap
- Created by: Kasia.kuczaj
- Created on: 20-11-19 18:38
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- Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
- Family
- Father: Henry VIII
- Half-brother: Edward VI
- Half-sister: Mary I
- Cousin: Mary Queen of Scots
- Catholic
- Executed in 1587
- Religion
- She was Protestant
- Religious settlement / Middle way
- She called herself "Supreme Governor" of the Church instead of "Supreme head"
- Plots against Elizabeth
- Northern Earl's rebellion (1569)
- Ridofi Plot (1571)
- Throckmorton Plot (1583)
- Pope declared her a heretic, encouraging plots. (1570)
- Babington Plot (1586)
- Essex rebellion (1601)
- Key people
- Robert Dudley (1532-1588)
- He and Elizabeth were very close
- Believed they were lovers
- William Cecil (1520 - 1598)
- Appointed secretary of state in 1558
- Guided Elizabeth for 40 years
- Francis Walsingham (1532-1590)
- In charge of secret service
- Gave advise on foriegn affairs
- In 1586, uncovered plot that led to execution of Mary queen of scots
- Robert Dudley (1532-1588)
- Marriage
- Didn't want to marry from young age
- Social Problems
- Rise in population caused a lot of issues
- More crimes and begging
- Poor Law 1601
- Rise in population caused a lot of issues
- Golden age
- Drake circumnavigates the world (1577-1580)
- Piracy (raiding from the Spanish)
- Angered King Phillip II
- Piracy (raiding from the Spanish)
- Drake circumnavigates the world (1577-1580)
- Spanish Armada (1588)
- Privy Council
- Advise not control
- Met every day
- 19 Noblemen
- Great Chain Of Being
- God is at the top of the chain
- Elizabeth is the highest human being in the chain
- Animals and plants at the bottom
- Why was she disliked?
- Illegitimate
- Threats from Catholics
- Religious conflicts
- Female
- Big debts
- Family
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