elizabeths government/court
- Created by: tia5sos
- Created on: 30-10-20 14:42
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- Elizabeth's court
- the court
- made up of noblemen who acted as the monarchs advisors and friends.
- they advised the monarch and helped display her wealth and power.
- members of the court could also be members of the Privy council
- made up of noblemen who acted as the monarchs advisors and friends.
- The privy council
- members of the nobility who helped govern the country.
- they monitored parliament, justices of piece and oversaw law and order and the security of the country.
- Parliament
- Advised Elizabeth's government
- made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons
- house of lords was made up of noblemen and bishops
- house of commons was elected, though very few people could vote.
- passed laws and approved taxes
- Lord Lieutenants
- noblemen appointed by government
- who governed English countries and raised the local militia.
- noblemen appointed by government
- Justices of peace
- large landowners. appointed by the government
- who kept law and order locally and heard court cases.
- large landowners. appointed by the government
- the monarch
- government in Elizabethan England centered on the monarch.
- monarchs of England believed they had the right to rule by the "grace of god" - known as the divine right.
- Elizabeth I made government policy, making all the important decisions with the advice of her Privy council.
- she could declare war, make peace, call and dismiss parliament, rule in some legal cases, grant titles, lands, money and jobs.
- the secretary of state
- Most important privy councilor
- the person in government that she was closest to, and advised the queen on matters important to the crown.
- the most important person to hold this position was Sir William Cecil who held the position until 1573
- Most important privy councilor
- the court
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