The cognitive approach to explaining depression - Ellis's model
- Created by: Rosiem2102
- Created on: 21-03-18 12:33
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- Ellis's ABC model
- A) Activating event
- Irrational thoughts triggered by external events
- E.g: failing an important test or ending a relationship
- We get depressed when we experience negative events and these trigger negative beliefs
- B) Beliefs
- 'Musturbation' - we must always succeed or achieve perfection
- 'I-can't-stand-it-itis' - it is a major disaster when something doesn't go smoothly
- Utopianism - life is always meant to be fair
- C) Consequences
- E.g: if you believe you must always succeed and then fail at something this can trigger depression
- Emotional and behavioural consequences when an activating event triggers irrational beliefs
- Albert Ellis (1962) suggested a different cognitive explanation of depression
- Proposed that good mental health is the result of rational thinking (thinking that allows people to be happy and free of pain)
- Evaluation
- A partial explanation
- Some cases of depression follow activating events (reactive depression)
- Different from the kind of depression that arises without an obvious cause
- Ellis's explanation only applies to some kinds of depression and is therefore only a partial explanation
- It has a practical application in CBT
- Has lead to successful therapy
- By challenging irrational negative beliefs, a person can reduce their depression - supported by research evidence (Lipsky et al. 1980)
- Supports the basic theory because it suggests that the irrational beliefs had some role in the depression
- It doesn't explain all aspects of depression
- Ellis explains why some people appear to be more vulnerable to depression than others as a result of their cognitions
- Doesn't easily explain the anger, hallucinations and delusions
- A partial explanation
- A) Activating event
- Evaluation extra
- Cognitive primacy
- Share the idea that cognition causes depression
- Closely tied up with the concept of cognitive primacy (idea that emotions are influenced by cognitions)
- Not always the case
- Other theories see emotion as stored like energy to emerge after causal event
- Attachment and depression
- Studies show infants that develop insecure attachments are more vulnerable to depression in adulthood
- Cognitive primacy
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