emancipation of jews ideas europe history
- Created by: shannonboulton
- Created on: 14-05-19 12:08
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- emancipation of jews ideas
- seperation and segregation:
- ghettos
- originally from Israel
- Christians saw all Jews as the same, and jews live at mercy of their christian masters
- 'Jew Suss' execution in public square in Germany 1738
- Suss figure important in changes of conditions of Jews begin in 16th/17thC europe which led to emancipation in 18thC
- mercantilism:
- economic theory developed in 16th/17thC
- for country to become wealthy had to export more goods than it imported
- mercantilism meant leaders in Britain and central Europe keen for people who'd bring economic resources
- jews= perfect description. had capital to invest + network to build trade relationships especially due to expulsion they suffered as families scattered across Mediterranean and Europe
- 16th/17th= new figure emerged. Court Jew
- capital to invest, network across Europe
- acted as economic advisors through process of providing, some highest positions of ogv, Suss was a court Jew
- capital to invest, network across Europe
- France+German regions after discovery of America 1492, new trade routes became centre of economic expansion + welcomed Jews
- Jews readmitted to England middle of 17thC
- despite mercantilism some countires like Portugal and Papal states discriminated Jews still
- Jews readmitted to England middle of 17thC
- enlightenment:
- reason over superstition
- men= individuals rather than groups whose rights had to be respected by states/church
- advocated all humans born equal
- challenged some foundations that Christian Europe based on for 89 years
- first discussed in France, German Kingdom of Prussia that idea of universal brotherhood had largest impact on Jews
- Moses Mendelssohn= advocated Jewish emancipation in Berlin, became influential
- 1743 arrived Berlin. Befriended most prominent christian figure of enlightenment
- close friends with Jewish playwright who challenged Jewish prejudices.. 'Nathan the Wise'
- Dohm 'on the civil imporvement of the Jews 1781, 'jews cna be useful members of the civil society
- 1743 arrived Berlin. Befriended most prominent christian figure of enlightenment
- argued Jews predicament across Europe wasn't God's punishment like theology said but years of discrimination (revolutionary at time)
- 1783= religious beliefs were publich affair defining relationship between state and individual
- Mendelssohn's relationship with Lessing signaled significant changes been happening with
- Mendelssohn and Pastor dispute over him convreing to christinaty in 1770s, by 18thC radical thinking of Jews place in society
- seperation and segregation:
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