Emmeline Pankhurst
- Created by: crimsonrose3205
- Created on: 14-07-20 17:32
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- Emmeline Pankhurst
- born on 14th of July 1858
- her parent got her in to politics at 8 as well as the women movement
- founded the women's social and political union in 1903
- she was arrested many time for violence at the suffragette movements
- she went of a hunger strike in prison
- 1889 set up the womens franchise league it aimed to give women the right to vote in local elections
- 1913 passed the cat and mouse act that released people on hunger strikes till they regained there strength
- 1918 women aged 30 got the right to vote
- in 1928 women get to vote at 21 (same age as men)
- 14th of june 1928 she dies aged 69
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