employment tribunals

  • Created by: kssana08
  • Created on: 29-10-24 15:39
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  • employment tribunals
    • there are form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which exist to resolve disputes without having to go through court or tribunals.
    • Employment tribunals only deal with employment issues, but there are other tribunals which deals with specific issues.
    • Tribunals are forums used instead of court for deciding certain types of disputes.
      • they are less formal than courts.
    • Employment tribunals deal with issues such as: Unfair dismissal, redundancy and breach of contract.
    • Employment tribunals sits in a separate building and has a set process, but this is less formal than a court.
      • There are no gowns or wigs.
    • A claim on an employment issue has to be brought within three month less than one day from the event
    • Either side may appeal 42 days after the tribunal decision to an Employment Appeal Tribunal, but only on a point of law.
    • id a preliminary hearing is needed, it takes place before a judge sitting without panel members


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