American West - Ending the Native Way of Life
- Created by: issyh
- Created on: 14-03-17 11:05
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- Destruction of Native Way of Life
- Battle of Wounded Knee, 1890
- Drought and starvation in 1890 was too much to take.
- Ghost Dance started (attempt to raise the dead).
- US army sent in to put down uprising.
- End of Indian resistance.
- Army
- Hired native spies hostile to other tribes.
- Divided tribes to stop effective resistance.
- Forts gave more support to settlers.
- Better equipment that Indians.
- Total war - destroying all elements of Indian lifestyle.
- Destruction of Buffalo
- Railroads brought in hunting parties.
- Buffalo hunters hired by railroad companies (Buffalo Bill).
- Industry - value and demand for leather.
- Reservations
- Chiefs lost power to rule.
- From 1880, the government looked after all Native interest.
- Indian children sent to US 'white' schools, religious activity banned.
- Banned for hunting.
- Forced to lean 'white' skills, like farming.
- Railroads
- Split buffalo herds (disrupted migration).
- Expansion of railroads protected by US army.
- Soldiers could move across plains easily.
- Helped spread Manifest Destiny.
- Government
- Policies of placing as many Indians on reservations as possible.
- Reservations gradually made smaller and smaller.
- Dawes Act, 1887.
- Oklahoma Land Race, 1889
- Battle of Wounded Knee, 1890
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