- Created by: sophie
- Created on: 19-05-13 13:26
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- endocrinology
- endocrine glands
- heart, gut, kidney, pancreas and adipocyte
- amine hormones
- derivatives of tyrosine
- thyroid hormones like noradrenalineand dopamine
- adrenal cortex secretes a steroid
- paracrine
- cell A secretes a hormone that acts upon cell B
- autocrine
- neurocrine
- endocrine
- peptide hormones
- processed in several stages
- n terminal sequence cleavage in ER
- glycosylation in ER
- cleavage of prohormone by endopeptidases
- vasopressin, ACHT, oxytocin, prolactine
- steroid hormones
- cortisol, alderstone, testosterone, oestradoil, progesterone
- cortisol
- inhibits inflammatoryand immune response
- maintains cardiac output
- muscle function
- endocrine glands
- heart, gut, kidney, pancreas and adipocyte
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