Outline of Energy Security
- Created by: Amy Brown
- Created on: 29-05-14 10:59
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- Energy Security
- Advantages and Disadvantages of energy sources
- Global Variations in energy access and consumption
- Key Players in supplying future oil
- Example: Shell
- Factors affecting energy security
- Case Study California
- Problem of energy pathways
- Example: Trans-Siberian Pipeline
- Impact of growing global energy demand
- Case Study: China
- Impact of geopolitics on energy security
- Environmental impacts of looking for more energy
- Case Study: Tar Sands, Canada
- Case Study: Arctic Oil
- Future of energy: Advantages and Disadvantages
- How energy insecurity will lead to geopolitical tensions
- USA in Middle East
- China vs. India
- How energy supplies can be disrupted
- Case Study: Russia
- Europes Energy Security
- Europes Energy Security
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