David Crystal - English as a Global Language
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?- Created by: jxssrules
- Created on: 05-03-18 13:18
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- David Crystal (2003)
- 1. Why a global language?
- What makes a global language?
- Power of its people - especially their political and military power
- Militarily powerful nation to establish (GB), economically powerful one to maintain and expand (US)
- Power of its people - especially their political and military power
- Why do we need a global language?
- Technology
- Prospect that Lingua Franca be needed for whole world emerged since 1950s
- Lingua Franca
- Pidgin
- In communities where many languages in contact
- Bilingualism does not readily apply
- Political, economic or religious influence of a foreign power
- Dangers?
- Linguistic triumphalism
- Linguistic power
- Linguistic complacency
- Linguistic death
- What could stop it?
- Machine translation
- What makes a global language?
- 2. Why English? Historical context
- Geographical-historical
- Socio-cultural
- Political, economic and technological power of UK and USA
- Kachru's three concentric circles of English
- 3. Why English? The cultural foundation (important factors in 19th century)
- Political movements
- Access to knowledge
- Taken for granted
- 4. Why English? The cultural legacy
- Pervasive everywhere in international relations; media; international travel; international safety; education; communications
- Author's view: happened at the right place at the right time. Without plotting, colonization, power, would only be spoken in those scattering islands
- 5. The future of global English
- Need of intelligibility and preservation of identity inner circle Englishes
- Common core grammar
- Marginal differences new Englishes: distinctive features, but still intelligible standard language and other varieties do not conflict with each other
- Can co-exist
- 'World standard spoken English' hypothesis
- 1. Why a global language?