English langauge mind map
- Created by: patrickriley_
- Created on: 07-06-16 15:13
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- English Langauge
- Accents and Dialects
- Underground Dialects
- Polari: Hidden gay language from the 60's to hide the fact they were gay. Examples; ***** means good
- Cockney Ryming Slang: used to create hidden meanings. Still prominant today
- Theories
- Labov
- people who were in a department store pronounced fourth floor differently to sound posh
- Matha's Vineyard: People who lived there diverged their accent to become more distinct whereas tourists tried to converge
- Giles
- Teens look up to RP (1970's)
- Labov
- Regional Dialects and accents
- Scouse
- Geodie
- Media have made the accent Favourable. Dialect: whats up pet?
- M.L.E
- New form of accent
- Influenced by African American's and Jamacan's
- Dialect: Bruv and Peng... Double negative and focus on pronouns
- Starting to become widespread
- Seen as cool by teens
- Influenced by African American's and Jamacan's
- New form of accent
- Underground Dialects
- Power
- Fairclogh
- Instrumental
- You have power through authority and rank. You can sanction a conversation.
- Influencial
- Have power manipulation. Cant punish people. No real authority
- Instrumental
- Wareing
- 3 types of power
- Political
- Socail
- Personal
- 3 types of power
- Fairclogh
- Occupation
- Technical Lexis
- Miners, Doctors, Armed Forces, Law
- Theories
- Eakins and Eakins: men spoke for longer and more frequently
- Men spoke more in structured segments
- Tracy Eisenburg: Woman show concern
- Kerring: Men are assertive whereas Woman are more personal
- Small talk must be stated by someone with the highest rank (Hornyak)
- Technical Lexis
- Age
- Theories
- Gary Ives
- West Yorkshire secondary school
- Use more taboo
- Use more slang
- Admit that older generations find it hard to understand them
- Cant remember gaming lexis
- West Yorkshire secondary school
- Penelope Eckert
- Life events change and influence langauge not age. Having children is a prime example.
- She studied a single 20 year old woman and a 20 year with two young children and found that the leanguage between the two was different
- Life events change and influence langauge not age. Having children is a prime example.
- Martinez
- Tenns use more negatives
- Vinian De Clerk
- Tenns challange the normal to establish an identity
- Gary Ives
- Theories
- Gender
- Difference
- Men and woman speak differently... get over it!
- Theories
- Tannnen: Woman focus upon feelins and support whereas men focus on information and status
- Jenifer Coates
- Men are more proffessional and use language to show knowledge and power
- Woman use tag questions in same sex conversations to show support
- Theories
- Men and woman speak differently... get over it!
- Dominance
- Men's llanguage is more dominant
- Dale spender
- Man made language. Human is reffered to as men. Woman are alos subjected to derogative terms when they do not conform. Frigid ****
- Zimmerman and West. Men interupt more in same sex conversations to show power
- Dale spender
- Men's llanguage is more dominant
- Defeciet
- Woman's language is inferior to mens
- Robin Lakoff (Female)
- Woamn use polite imperatives "why dont you"
- Less Taboo
- Empty adjectives like lovely
- Woamn use polite imperatives "why dont you"
- Robin Lakoff (Female)
- Woman's language is inferior to mens
- Difference
- Accents and Dialects
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