Starting Out Pack Mind Map
- Created by: Laura Holland
- Created on: 26-03-13 11:40
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- English Language - Starting Out Pack.
- Lexical Choice.
- Ambiguous - Vauge/more than one meaning.
- Graphologically - what it looks like.
- Grammatically - structure.
- Phonologically - how it sounds
- Looking at a text and analysing it.
- Pun - play on words.
- Annecdote - personal story.
- Subverting - goes below and flips meaning = twists and changes it.
- Impetative(s) Verbs - command words.
- Field Specific Lexis - words that are specific to a certain field such as law, medicine ect.
- G.R.A.M.P.S
- G = genre. What is it? Novel, Letter ect.
- R = register. Tone, Formal or Informal.
- A= audience.Who is the text for?
- M = mode. format of the text, Written or Spoken or both.
- P = purpose. what is its jobs? entertain, persuade, inform instruct, educate ect.
- S = subject matter. what is the text about?
- Lexical Choice.
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