English Language Key Terms
- Created by: MonsterFish
- Created on: 13-04-14 21:33
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- English Language
- Lexis
- Lexical field of ...
- Slang
- Foreign borrowing
- Neologism
- Made up word
- Archaic lexis
- eg hath
- Acronysm
- eg NATO
- Initialism
- eg BBC
- Rhetorical lexis
- Vocatives
- eg hey you, or their name
- Semantics
- Simile
- like/as
- Metaphore
- Comparison
- Collocation
- eg fish and chips
- Irony
- Undermines the readers expectations
- Puns
- Play on words
- Cliche
- Over used phrase
- Euphenism
- Pleasant way of saying something unpleasant
- Dsphemism
- Offensive form of language
- Simile
- Morphology
- Prefix
- inter and un
- Suffix
- ness
- Inflextion
- ed, ing, s and ly
- Prefix
- Word Class
- Introduction
- Form
- diary
- Function
- inform and persuade
- Form
- Nouns
- Primary
- to be, to have, to do
- Dynamic
- to run, to walk etc
- Infinitive
- to cook, to have etc
- Regular
- to walk, waliking, walked eg
- Irregular
- to be, I am, I was eg
- Modal Auxilliary
- can, could, will, would, may, might, should
- Primary
- Verbs
- Concrete
- Abstract
- Collective
- Ad verbs
- of time
- now, today
- of place
- above, abroad
- of mannor
- Angrily, easily
- of frequency
- sometimes, daily
- of time
- Pronouns
- 1st
- singular :I
- Plural : We, us
- 2nd
- Singul;ar : You
- Plural : You
- 3rd
- Singular : he, she, it
- Plural : them, they
- possestive
- my, mine, your, his etc
- Reflective
- myself, yourself etc
- Subject case
- I, you, he, she etc
- 1st
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Sentence
- Declarative
- Full Stop
- Interrogative
- Question
- Imperative
- Command
- Exclamatory
- Exclamation mark
- Declarative
- Elipsis
- Word missed oput
- Syndetic list
- No commas
- Asyndetic
- Commas
- Parenthesis
- Brackets
- Sentence
- Lexis
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