- Created by: Millie Hunter
- Created on: 18-03-14 17:54
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- language change theory
- linguistic determinism-->language determines thoughts and reflectionism--> language is shaped by our thoughts
- lexical gaps- the gaps referring to words that are not currently used in English, but fit the linguistic patterns well.
- random fluctuation and cultural transmission (Charles Hockett)
- substratum theory - the influences of different forms of language that come into contact with english
- functional theory - language changes according to the needs of its users
- Jean Aitchison- 3 language metaphors:
- Untitled
- language variation theory
- social variation theory - Michael Halliday, anti - langauge
- the difference model- males and females, biologically or by socialization are inherently different.
- the dominance model- langauge differences due to the historically patriarchal structure of society (pamela fishman) e.g men are higher in society. - Dale Spender
- the deficit model- states that men and women are not only different, but one dominates the other (men) - Lakoff
- open and closed networks - Lesley Milroy - network strength
- koineisation: the creation of a new standard language form by combining two existing dialect forms by language contact. - Paul Kerswill
- dialect leveling - when dialects become more similar and less distinguished
- code -switching - the ability of a speaker to 'switch' between different languages in his or her language use
- sociolinguistic maturation- refers to the age in which a speaker becomes susceptible to the influence of different varieties
- children are before this maturation and so are more likely to adapt and change their language.
- language change theory
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