english lit, of mice and men
- Created by: Nadia omg
- Created on: 02-01-13 17:33
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- English lit exam, of mice and men.
- Context
- 1930's America
- Great depression
- No money
- Poor, lonely lifestyles
- Predujuce(Preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience)
- rasism
- crooks
- sexism
- Curleys wife, not even given a name throughout the book
- disibility
- crooks
- candy
- candys dog
- lennie
- rasism
- Ranch life
- hard
- lonely
- mans world
- poor
- little possessions
- not usually married
- rural workers
- American dream
- everyone had a dream for a better life
- Great depression
- 1930's America
- section A language analysis, embed the quotes, 5 minutes planning, 20 minutes on each section
- Context