enron context
- Created by: evebarley
- Created on: 31-01-17 11:09
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- Enron Context
- Mark to market accounting
- Enron first non financial company to use this
- ""If you accelerate your income, then you have to keep doing more and more deals to show the same or rising income."[
- sherron Watkins
- "He’s the one that cooked the books"
- Fastow
- "He’s the one that cooked the books"
- Jonestown massacre
- "you've drank the Kool-Aid"
- cyanide in koolaid
- peoples temple, lead by jim jones
- 1978 November 18 918 people died
- "revolutionary suicide"
- thought of as suicide but now a mass murder as people were under duress
- "you've drank the Kool-Aid"
- 1998 analyst tour of enron
- corruption
- Skilling had moved other employees to the office from other departments (instructing them to pretend to work hard)
- Arthur andersen
- obstructing cause of justice
- shredding the thousands of documents and deleting e-mails and company files that tied the firm to its audit of Enron
- supreme court overturned ruling so he got away
- shredding the thousands of documents and deleting e-mails and company files that tied the firm to its audit of Enron
- obstructing cause of justice
- Bush
- ken lay gave 140 000 to fund bush election
- vice president cheney met with enron after 2001 election to discuss energy
- Bush called ken lay Kenny boy
- enron were Bush's top donor
- enron gave over $600 000 political donations
- "In the corporate world, sometimes things aren’t exactly black and white"
- Mark to market accounting
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