Enron Lucy Prebble Critics
- Created by: echarlot4
- Created on: 15-04-19 12:48
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- Enron By Lucy Prebble Critics
- Clements 'In the gleaming edifice of Skilling's Enron - all glass, transparency, and openness - is a huge irony.'
- Clements 'A culture of competitive machismo was at the heart of Enron's practices.'
- Billington 'Skilling is a marlovian overreacher.'
- Hitchings 'Here is the blustering energy of capitalism, the illusion of being a delirious romp; and here too its narcissism and testosterone-fueled nastiness.'
- Prebble 'I don't believe women are inherently more "moral" than men'
- Spencer 'the lack of naturalism in the production reflects the unreality of Enron it's self'
- Clements 'Skilling is neither messiah-like nor antihero, but an "ordinary crook"'
- Enron's 1998 Annual Report '"ruthlessness, callousness and arrogance don't belong here"removed by 2000'
- McLean 'The tale of Enron is a story of human weakness, greed and rampant self-delusions'
- Cote 'The house of cards comes crashing down'
- Benedict 'A savage satire on high capitalism'
- Megson 'Enron atomizes the collapse of belief'
- Gall 'The shows real strength lies in the moral questions it poses'
- Hemming 'Prebble conveys the danger and allure of greed'
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