Enviromental protection pressure groups
- Created by: Wowzawooo
- Created on: 26-02-24 15:18
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- Environmental protection
- what are the issues
- due to westward expansion need to be preserved + trumps attempt at industriliastion scale back on eco for industry
- examples of pressure groups
- League of Conservation Voters (LCV): Political advocacy, working to elect candidates supporting environmental policies..
- Earthjustice: Providing legal representation for environmental cases and ensuring that the law protects the environment.
- Friends of the Earth: International network working on various environmental issues, including climate justice and biodiversity conservation.
- Greenpeace USA: Global environmental issues, direct action, climate change, deforestation, and pollution.
- significant pressure group sucess
- the sierra club followed by wilderness society and the national wildlife federation push behung stricter enviromental laws
- ideas of the green peace being bidens key policy
- what are the issues
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