Environmental studies tracking test
This go over a brief overlook of what I learned in the first few weeks of college and what i was ttested on for my tracking test.
- Created by: spoopygonzalez
- Created on: 08-10-16 16:27
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- Environmental Studies Tracking Test
- Conditions for life on earth
- Functions of water
- Transport
- it is a solvent in the blood and sap. It can transport things like; oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugars, amino acids, waste products, minerals, nutrients etc
- physilogical solvent
- most chemical reactions in cells take place dissolved in water
- Temperature control
- the evaporation of water can help cool the body down. Also the transpiration of heat into the blood.
- Anomalous expansion of freezing
- water heats up and cools down slowly , helping the rate and size of temperature changes staying moderatly similar
- Habitats
- Provides aquatic habitats. E.g lakes, rives and oceans
- Transport
- Temperature range on earth
- most places on earth are above 0 so liquid water can be present
- most enzymes require liquid water as a solvent and will denature at high temperatures
- most living things range between 0-40
- Ambient gases
- they develope and sustain life
- CO2 used for photosynthesis and controlling climate
- nitrogen for protein photosynthesis
- The importance of light
- sunlight = energy
- absorbed heat = warming the earth, energy of the water cycle
- UV
- Distance from the sun = control light levels and temperature
- Daily rotation of the planet
- Functions of water
- Ecosystems
- Conditions for life on earth
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